Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Home Study

Yesterday we finally got our first Home Study home visit on the calendar! It'll be on Nov. 10th and while the kids are in school. Our social worker will meet with just Kev and I first and then we'll schedule another time for her to meet and "interview" the girls. Our social worker, and contact at Families Through Adoption has such a passion for adoption and for post adoption needs as well....oh yes, it'd be good to mention the agency we're using:)
We were directed to FTA by a couple different people and were so excited they would work with us, especially seeing as this process is so much different from our first; having "found" our son before USCIS approval and dossier.
We did get some good news in regards to our Home Study..we don't have to fill out most of the initial HS paperwork because our first Home Study can be used for much of that, Hooray for a few less pieces of paperwork...there is so much more to come! Kev will have his physical this week and then we are submitting the rest of the paperwork we need (copy of original Home Study and a few other things).
It has been a relief to come to this next step of the Home Study because it makes it feel more real and official. Jivenson feels so far away sometimes and taking these little steps makes us feel like we are getting closer to him.
Speaking of being closer to him, we are hoping (while waiting for concrete dates) to travel in February to meet him!!! We are so excited to buy our tickets and meet our little man!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! You really are doing it!! Congrats on the decision and I read that blog and saw a picture of Jivenson and read about him. Could he be any cuter?!?!? How exciting!!! Can we tell our kids, of course knowing there's lots of unknowns? We are SOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!

  2. Thanks Denise! The girls know and now that we've started our HS it feels like it's easier to tell people, ya know? I was nervous to put his pic up here because of the Ethiopian law that we got called out on (though Haiti might not care at all) with our other blog...but his face is already out there on that blog anyway:) Glad you got to see him! He is such a doll and I can't wait to hold him!

  3. JESS!!! That is so awesome!!!! I got chills just reading your blog entries and think this new adventure must be so fulfilling---like you said, knowing you are following God's will even though you may not know exactly what that looks like right now. We will definitely keep you and the girls and Kev and little Jivenson in our prayers. I have so been wanting to call and catch up for hours but you know your all-or-nothing friend: the hours never seem to be there. email me with good days times to call and I'll just call and we can chat for however long. Congrats on absolutely amazing!!!!Where can i see his picture? :) love you, kristie
